Timely Bargains for Collectors

During the next several weeks, a number of us at Jamestown Stamp Company have decided to select and list products that we really like and those that we really like as gifts. Since I am the Web Geek of the bunch, I have the advantage of being able to tell why I choose the items I choose. All of these items will be displayed and updated regularly on our Bargains for Collectors page.

Actually, there is one item I didn’t choose. My 11 year-old daughter and her friends chose the Holographic Butterfly stamp. But I did choose both the US Stamp Bag and the Mystery Stamp Cube. The main reason I chose these stamp items is because they allow kids room to explore. Whether they become stamp collectors or not is up to them. But at a time when parents and grandparents could do without wasting gas while looking for the perfect non-iPod gift, both of these items offer an affordable way to introduce a child to a whole new world…their world that exists beyond blinking screens and ringtones.