Beginner Stamp Collecting
Starting a new hobby should be an exciting and rewarding experience. Stamp Collecting can be as simple as you need or as complex as you decide to make it. It’s really one of the few hobbies that is all about you. We’re always here to help.
We’ve selected a few stamps and stamp collecting supplies that can help you get started. These are items that do not require large investments of time or money to begin exploring the hobby.
We highly recommend that you try our Stamps on Approval service. Through it, you can examine many different stamps without committing to any one style, topic, or focus until you’re ready to do so. No matter how you begin collecting stamps, be sure to tell us about your collection. We love to hear about them.
- 1986 U.S. Stamp Collecting Strip of 4
$4.15$3.50Strip of 4 United States Stamps featuring Stamp Collecting - 1986 US Stamp Numbers 2198 - 2201 - U.S. Space Achievements Stamp SetThis Mint, Never Hinged Stamp Set of 4 features the Skylab, Pioneer, Mariner 10, and the 1975 stamp pair commemorating the Apollo Soyuz Docking Mission.
- 1999 Mongolia Folk Tales Stamp Set
$10.50$8.501999 Mongolia Folk Tales Stamp Set of 6 featuring Mongolian Stamp Catalog #'s 2372 - 2377 Never Hinged - 2013 Niger Moon Mission Stamp Strip
$19.50$15.502013 Niger Moon Mission Stamp Strip - Catalog #1326 featuring scenes from the Chinese Chang'e 3 Lunar Space Mission - 2006 Nauru Dinosaur Stamp SetSet of 8 Dinosaur Stamps from Nauru, featuring postage stamp numbers 556 - 563 in Mint, Never Hinged condition.
- Patriot U.S. Stamp Collecting Kit$12.99With over 60 pages and 50 different U.S. stamps, the Patriot U.S. Stamp Collecting Kit is perfectly balanced when beginning to explore the hobby.
- Creatures of Nature Stamp Packet
$12.95$10.50Over 95 Different Creatures of Nature are teeming within this Worldwide Stamp Packet. - U.S. Stamp #2155-2158 Mint NH – Horses
$8.95$7.2522 cent U.S. Stamp Block featuring 4 breeds of American Horses. - 2004 San Marino Fantasy Vehicle Stamps
$3.25$2.752004 San Marino Stamp set featuring Fantasy Vehicles - Disney Stamp Sheet – Mickey’s Sports ProsDisney Stamps - 1996 St. Vincent & The Grenadines #2250 Sheet of 9 - Mickey's Sports Professionals
- 1975 U.S. Collectible Stamp Set – The American RevolutionThe 1975 American Revolution Stamp Set includes 6 singles and 1 Stamp Block of 4--10 Mint condition, never hinged stamps in all.
- Mint Declaration of Independence Stamp Strip1976 U.S. #1691-1694 SE-Tenant Stamp Strip - Declaration of Independence painting by John Trumbull
- United States Stamp BagThe United States Stamp Bag contains 300 unpicked, unsorted, mixed US stamps. Both on and off paper. Perfect for beginning stamp collectors. (note: image text incorrectly states 400 instead of 300)